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Treatment Process

In this case, a combination of orthodontics, prosthodontics utilizing veneers on 3 teeth, and a milled Etkon crown on the left central incisor, along with composite bonding of the lower incisors is required to achieve the final result. As existing deep overbite is first corrected by Dr. Christian Kenworthy to level the arches and improve functional movements.

Pretreatment full smile.

Over-eruption of the central incisors has occurred due to the deep bit relationship. This results in increased wear and shifting of the gingival levels of the centrals.

Post orthodontic alignment.

Veneers placement on right central and both lateral incisors. An all porcelain milled Etkon Crown on the left central incisor, and composite bonding is utilized on the lower incisors to close spaces.

In this case a combination of orthodontics, prosthodontics utilizing veneers on 3 teeth, and a milled Etkon (link) crown on the left central incisor, along with composite bonding of the lower incisors is required to achieve the final result. An existing deep overbite is first corrected by Dr. Christian.

Before and after smile.

Final result yields an obvious esthetic improvement but more importantly a balanced bite to reduce long term wear that likely would have continued to occur without orthodontic alignment.

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